4-Week 1.6km Running Plan: Conquer a 1.6km Run in 4 Weeks! (3 days/week)

Sale Price:$2.99 Original Price:$4.99

Introducing our "Foundations of Running: 4-Week Beginner's Plan" tailored for those new to the sport! This program is designed for absolute beginners and strategically structured to guide you from zero to running your first mile, all at a comfortable pace that suits your initial fitness level.

Our four-week plan emphasizes a gentle introduction to running, with a focus on gradual progression and sustainable habits. Train four days a week, balancing running with crucial rest and cross-training to ensure a holistic approach to your new fitness regimen.

Training Components:

  • Easy Runs: Begin your week with a straightforward, manageable run that gently extends in distance each week. This steady increase helps you build both confidence and endurance.

  • Rest/Cross-Training Days: Your training includes two days each week dedicated to rest or light cross-training. This flexible approach allows your body to recover while enhancing overall strength and reducing the risk of injury.

  • Interval Training: Mid-week brings interval training, where you'll push your pace in short bursts followed by periods of recovery walking. These sessions are designed to increase your cardiovascular efficiency and speed. Each week, the intervals will slightly lengthen, preparing you for longer stretches of running.

  • Long Runs: The week culminates with a long run, increasing in distance each time. These runs are designed to build your endurance and get you accustomed to longer periods of running, supported by optional run/walk intervals to manage fatigue.

Duration and Frequency:
This beginner-friendly plan spans four weeks, involving four specific days of training activities per week, but only three days of running. The carefully balanced schedule promotes steady progress without overwhelming you, making it ideal for those with busy lives or who are new to physical activities.

By the end of this plan, you will not only successfully complete a full 1.6k but will have established a robust foundation in running. Whether you're looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle or build up to more challenging running events, our "Foundations of Running: 4-Week Beginner's Plan" provides the perfect starting point. Lace up your shoes and get ready to transform your fitness and running capabilities—sign up now and take the first step towards a healthier you!

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4-Week 1.6km Running Plan: Conquer a 1.6km Run in 4 Weeks! (4 days/week)
Sale Price:$3.99 Original Price:$6.99
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Sale Price:$3.99 Original Price:$6.99
8-Week 1.6km Running Plan: Conquer a 1.6km Run in 8 Weeks! (4 days/week)
Sale Price:$4.99 Original Price:$8.99