The Inclusivity of Slow Running: All Ages, Abilities, and Backgrounds
In the world of athletics, where the spotlight often dazzles on the fastest and the fittest, there exists a serene yet vibrant niche for those who take the road less hurried: slow running. Here at The Sloth Run Club, we champion the slow runner's journey, embracing all ages, abilities, and backgrounds in a celebration of movement that prioritizes enjoyment over speed.
How to Start a Local Running Group for Slow Runners
Starting a running group can be a wonderfully rewarding experience, especially if you're aiming to cater to a niche like slow runners. In my small town of 30,000 people, finding fellow slow runners was challenging but ultimately very fulfilling. Here's my personal journey and guide on how to start a local running group for those who prefer to take the scenic route, one step at a time.
Welcome to the sloth run club: a haven for slow runners
Join the Sloth Run Club, a community dedicated to celebrating the joy of slow running, inclusivity, and support. Embrace running at your pace and redefine what running means to you.